Alternate formats

Accessible travel

Air Canada is committed to being a leader in accessible travel. We believe in providing our services and reimagining our spaces with accessibility in mind.

Alternate formats

See below a list of key documents that you may find helpful.

Note: To complete any fillable documents, make sure to download and use the latest version of Adobe Acrobat ReaderExternal site which may not meet accessibility guidelines and/or language preferences..

This is a two-column table with a header row, and 14 rows of data. The first column lists accessible format document names and the second lists the corresponding links.
2024 Accessibility Progress Report Download reportDownload
2024 Accessibility Progress Report (large print) Download reportDownload
Customer support ACF008Download
Emotional support dog request form ACA5018ADownload
Fitness for Air Travel form ACF5002Download
Interrupted trip ACF605Download
Long delay and cancellation notice ACF519Download
Lost and found ACF193-1Download
Medical/mental health professional form ACA5018BDownload
Notice of Air Passenger Protection Regulations (APPR) ACF520-5CDownload
Notice of denied boarding ACF520-5ADownload
Powered mobility aid information form ACF6347Download
Service dog form ACF5018DDownload
U.S. Department of Transportation Service Animal Air Transportation Form Download (English only)
U.S. Department of Transportation Service Animal Relief Attestation Form Download (English only)
Veterinary health form ACA5018CDownload

Questions before or during your trip?

We understand the importance of a great travel experience – Air Canada Accessibility Services is here to answer your questions and guide you through the process of planning your trip. Please contact us using the information below.

Air Canada Accessibility Services


1-800-667-4732 (toll-free for Canada and U.S.)
1-514-369-7039 (long distance charges apply)

TTY (teletypewriter): 1-833-754-3650 (toll free for Canada and U.S.)
437–880-6224 (long distance charges apply)

VRS (video relay): 1-833-768-2256 (toll free for Canada and U.S.)
437-880-6226 (long distance charges apply)


1-888-334-7717 (toll-free for Canada and the United States)
514-828-0027 (long distance charges apply)


Note: Please include your date of travel (day/month/year), last name, first name, and booking reference in the subject line.

e.g. 26/SEPT/2024, Jones, Mary, N3EI4E

In your email, please include your phone number and let us know if you use video relay/TTY so we can get in touch if we need more information.

Hours of operation (Eastern Time)

Daily: 6 a.m. to 10 p.m. EST

For issues when using an assistive technology tool:

1-844-347-4268 (toll-free for Canada and the United States)

Written confirmation of services

When you complete your booking, the assistance services you have requested will be indicated on your booking confirmation. Should you request services at the airport, one of our agents will be able to assist and provide you with written confirmation of this as well.

It is important to note that we can only confirm services that will be provided on flights operated by Air Canada, Air Canada Rouge or Air Canada Express.

For services on flights operated by other carriers, you will need to contact the other carrier directly to request and confirm any accessibility-related services.

Comments or concerns after your trip?

We’re committed to continually improving our accessibility services. We want to hear about your experience travelling with us.

step 2

Select a topic then an issue from the dropdown menus.
Click Next.

step 3

Fill out the form with your information and details of the concern.

Michael Rousseau

Our Commitments

As a partner to persons with disabilities, we make the following commitments:

Consult persons with disabilities and accessibility organizations, with a view to creating an enjoyable travel experience for persons with disabilities, whether in services or infrastructure, and providing a fulfilling employment experience in the workplace.

Develop and enhance accessibility features, policies and processes that broaden travel and employment opportunities for persons with disabilities.

Train our employees and provide them with tools to encourage cooperation, lift barriers, and implement accommodations, both for our customers and our employees.

Promote a culture of respect and dignity in all our employees’ interactions with one another and with our customers and increase the representation of persons with disabilities within our workforce.

Collaborate with Canadian and international organizations and airport authorities to ensure that the needs of persons with disabilities are considered in the workplace and throughout their travel experience.

These commitments reinforce our dedication to diversity, equity and inclusion in safe, accessible air travel for all customers, and accessible employment for all Air Canada employees.

Michael Rousseau's Signature

Mike Rousseau

President and Chief Executive Officer, Air Canada

Our Accessibility Plan

We are committed to being leaders in accessible travel and believe in designing our products, services, and employment with accessibility in mind.

Questions or concerns

Do you need assistance with your upcoming travel plans? Contact Air Canada Accessibility Services at least 48 hours before departure, and we’ll be happy to assist you.

1-800-667-4732 (toll-free for Canada and the United States)
1-514-369-7039 (long distance charges apply)


Feedback on Accessibility Plan

Using any of the options below, you can provide accessibility feedback (including feedback on this Plan), request an alternate format of our Accessibility Plan, or request a description of our feedback process.

We will acknowledge your feedback in the same format you utilize. You can also submit anonymous feedback.



(TTY and video relay available)


Director, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
7373 Côte-Vertu Blvd. West
Ville Saint-Laurent, Quebec
H4S 1Z3
ZIP 1261

Director, Customer Accessibility
525 Viger Ave. Ouest
Montréal, Quebec
H2Z 0B2

Alternate formats

You can request our Accessibility Plan in any of the formats below by completing our online formExternal site which may not meet accessibility guidelines and/or language preferences..


Please allow 15 days

Large Print

Please allow 15 days


Please allow 45 days


Please allow 45 days

Website accessibility

At Air Canada, accessibility isn't just a checkbox—it’s an integral part of every innovation and interaction. We’re committed to providing the best possible travel experience to all people, addressing barriers in the built environment, products, and services that welcome and support people with disabilities.

Website accessibility

Air Canada is dedicated to making accessible to anyone with specific auditory, visual or mobility needs. We aim to enhance the accessibility and usability of our website by focusing on achieving level AA compliance as outlined within W3C Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.2.

Compatible screen readers and tools

We consistently strive to accommodate diverse user preferences and guarantee accessibility across various platforms and screen readers. While we aim to address all feasible variations, for your convenience, we’ve listed the most popular ones below.

Software Recommended browser
NVDA (desktop screen reader) Firefox Firefox
JAWS (desktop screen reader) Chrome, Edge ChromeEdge
VoiceOver on iOS (mobile screen reader for Apple devices) Safari, Chrome SafariChrome
TalkBack (mobile screen reader for Android devices) Chrome Chrome