Claim Book

Pursuant to the provisions of the Consumer Protection Act, we have available a Complaint Book upon request. Please request the Complaint Book to register your claim or complaint.

Air Canada Customer Relations – Peru Branch

Agunsa, Air Canada General Sales Agents
Calle Italia 389. Of 101
Miraflores, Lima 18

RUC (Tax Identification Number): 20509452785

Claim Book – Online Form

Location: Web page

Libro de Reclamaciones Libro de Reclamaciones
Contact information

Description of contracted goods

Consumer claim and request details
Please select your claim date.
{{flight.trips[0] | date : 'EEE'}} {{flight.trips[0] | date: 'dd MMM'}} CLAIM DATE

¹ Claim: Disagreement related to products or services.

² Complaint: Disagreement not related to products or services; or, discomfort or dissatisfaction with respect to services to the public.


Filing a claim does not preclude resorting to other dispute settlement methods nor is it a prerequisite for filing a complaint with INDECOPI.

The supplier shall respond to the claim within thirty (30) calendar days, and may extend this period for another thirty (30) days upon advance notice to the consumer.