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Air Canada flight information 1 888 422-7533

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Total prices displayed include air transportation charges, including taxes, fees and charges, as well as surcharges. Seats are limited. Flight restrictions may apply. Complete fare rules including; day-of-week restrictions, departure dates, travel days, advance purchase and minimum and maximum stays are displayed by clicking on the price. Seats are limited on peak travel days. Additional restrictions are listed below.

All fares displayed on this page are in Canadian dollars, per person. Tickets must be purchased by 23:59 EST/20:59 PDT on the ticketing deadline date. Fares are valid at time of transmission and apply to new bookings only. Price is subject to change without prior notice and for representative information ONLY. All taxes, fees, charges and surcharges are subject to change. Please refer to the booking flow by clicking on the search option in order to see the final price/breakdown or contact Air Canada reservation at 1-888-247-2262. Certain international destinations may have tax, fee or charge that must be paid at the point of origin or at departure. Please contact the nearest foreign government office of the country/region you plan to visit for definitive, up-to-date information. Country/Region-specific and interactive passenger-specific information is also available at www.iatatravelcentre.comOpens in New Window and www.voyage.gc.caOpens in New Window. Fees for optional services, such as itinerary changes, additional baggage, advance seat selection, or certain special service requests, may increase overall cost, for more information, please consult our product and services. All seats are limited and subject to availability. Certain flights may not be offered on each day of the week. The fares indicated are not valid on seasonal route past the last date the flight operates. Certain flights may be operated by other carriers on a codeshare basis.

About this offer

About this offer

Canadian destinations: Fares indicated are ONE-WAY.
U.S. destinations: Fares indicated are ONE-WAY.
SUN destinations: Fares indicated are ONE-WAY. Fares are subject to government approval. Final price may vary given different connection points.
International destinations: Fares indicated are ROUND-TRIP (Unless otherwise indicated). Fares are subject to government approval. Final price may vary given different connection points.



Baggage policy – Economy Class :

Travel within Canada:
A fee of up to $30* CAD per direction is charged for the first checked bag, and a fee of up to $50* is charged for the second checked bag.

Transborder travel between Canada and the U.S. (includes Hawaii):
A fee of up to $30* (CAD/USD) per direction is charged for the first checked bag, and a fee of up to $50* (CAD) per direction is charged for the second checked bag on flights between Canada and the U.S. See complete details on baggage allowance at aircanada.com/baggage A different fee may be charged for checked bags by Air Canada partners on the flights they operate

Caribbean & Mexico:
A fee of up to $30* (CAD/USD) per direction is charged for the first checked bag, and a fee of up to $50* (CAD) per direction is charged for the second checked bag on flights between Canada and the Caribbean and Mexico (exceptions may apply). See complete details on baggage allowance at aircanada.com/baggage. A different fee may be charged for checked bag by Air Canada partners on the flights they operate.

International travel:
A fee of up to $100 (CAD/USD) per direction is charged for the second checked bag on flights between Canada and most international destinations (exceptions may apply). See complete details on baggage allowance at aircanada.com/baggage. A different fee may be charged for checked bags by Air Canada partners on the flights they operate.

Exception: Tickets issued before August 21st, 2018 or travel before October 5th, 2018: 1st bag $25 / 2nd bag $35 (CAD/USD) per direction.