Learn more about the simple, convenient and secure new way to access Air Canada and Aeroplan.
New login
Updating my account
Two-Factor Authentication
Forgot Password and Profile Information
New login
New login
New login
Q. I haven't logged in since September 10, 2019. What do I need to do?
We have updated our password requirements. To ensure that all our customers’ accounts follow our rigorous security measures, we require that all customers update their passwords to make them as strong as possible. To do so, please set up your new password.
Q. What is happening to my Air Canada mobile+ account?
The Air Canada mobile+ service has been discontinued. AC mobile+ users who linked their Aeroplan accounts to their profile have had their information migrated to their Aeroplan profile; any remaining profile data has been safely deleted from Air Canada’s systems.
With the exception of Air Canada mobile+ account features, all other functions of the Air Canada App and Flight Pass App will continue to be available, including booking, flight status, flight notifications, check-in and boarding pass.
Q. Why can I now log in with email address in addition to my Aeroplan number?
To increase the convenience of logging into your account, we are now offering customers the ability to use their email address in addition to their Aeroplan number.
Q. Can the same login credentials be used for all Air Canada / Aeroplan channels?
You can use the same login credentials for most Air Canada / Aeroplan channels, but not all. The channels where the same login credentials can be used are:
FlightPass web
FlightPass app (iOS & Android)
Air Canada Skyriders
Aeroplan member donation program
Q: Do I need an email address to have an Aeroplan account?
You need to have a valid email address that is yours alone in order to have online access to your Aeroplan account. Every Aeroplan Member, including minors, needs to have a single email associated with their Aeroplan account.
Updating my account
Updating my account
Updating my account
Q. Why do I need to provide an email?
Since we are activating a new Two-Factor Authentication security feature for all users (more below), it’s important that your email address is up-to-date to ensure you don’t get locked out of your account. This email will also be used to enhance security of your account and help to verify your identity if we suspect any suspicious activity on your account. So, it is imperative that we have your latest email on file. You will also be able to use your email address to log in, in addition to your Aeroplan number.
Q. Why do I need to confirm my email?
Since we are activating a new Two-Factor Authentication security feature for all users (more below), it’s important that your email address is up-to-date to ensure you don’t get locked out of your account. This email will also be used to enhance security of your account and help to verify your identity when you log in from a new device or we suspect any suspicious activity on your account. So, it is imperative that we have your latest email on file. You will also be able to use your email address to log in, in addition to your Aeroplan number.
Q. Can I update my account information at a later point in time?
You can always come back at a later time to finish the update process, but you won’t be able to access your Air Canada account until your update is complete. However, you can always continue as a guest to book a flight or retrieve booking information.
Q. How does Air Canada ensure the privacy of my personal information?
We understand the importance of protecting the personal information of our customers. To earn and maintain your trust, we have designed our policy to meet the requirements of the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA), Canada’s Anti-Spam Law (CASL) and the ten principles set forth in the Canadian National Standard for the Protection of Personal Information. Furthermore, we are constantly looking for new and better ways to secure your personal information and ensure that it is used in a responsible and respectful manner.
Q. I am trying to update my account, but it is not working
If you are experiencing problems with logging in or experiencing long load times, try some of the following tips:
Switch browsers
Close all windows and restart in a new window
Clear your cache and/or delete your cookies
Disable pop-up blockers
If you are still experiencing problems after trying these tips, call our call centre at the following number 1-833-835-1444.
Two-Factor Authentication
Two-Factor Authentication
Two-Factor Authentication
Q. What is two-factor authentication (2FA) and where can I receive a 2FA verification code?
Two-factor authentication provides an extra layer of security when we need to confirm your identity upon signing in. When we think 2FA is necessary to validate your identity, we will give you the option of receiving a one-time six-digit verification code via email or SMS on your mobile phone (if you have enabled it on your profile page).
Q. Why is Air Canada implementing 2FA?
Air Canada has chosen to be one of the first airlines to implement 2FA in order to provide our customers with a higher degree of security, protect your personal information, and reduce the risk of fraud.
Q: How do I enable/disable two-factor authentication (2FA)?
You can choose to enable or disable two-factor authentication by logging in and visiting Your Account > Manage Your Profile. We recommend you keep 2FA enabled as it provides an extra layer of security and better protects the privacy of your personal information and reduces the risk of fraud in your account.
Q. How do I add my mobile phone number as a 2FA option?
You can register the phone number in your profile as a way to verify your identity by accessing My Profile > My Contact Information > Set up this phone number for two-factor authentication. You will be sent a one-time, 6-digit verification code to enter online in order to verify your mobile phone number.
Q. What if I can’t access my 2FA login options?
If you are unable to access your email address or mobile phone number (if provided), you can call our call center at the following number 1-833-835-1444 in order to prove your identity and update the information in your account. We recommend you provide a valid email address you can access at all times, such as a personal email instead of a work email.
Q. What if I didn’t receive my 2FA one-time password when logging in?
First, make sure the verification code was sent to and email or phone number that you have access to by cross-referencing the email or phone number you have provided. If you’re still experiencing problems, you can have the verification code sent a second time after waiting 60 seconds, which will nullify the previous verification code. If you are still having trouble, please call our contact centre at the following number: 1-833-835-1444
Q. Do I have to follow 2FA with every login?
Our system prompts the use of 2FA based on various backend security considerations.
Q: What do I do if I can’t retrieve the 2FA code sent to my email?
The email containing your 2FA code may take a few minutes to arrive in your inbox. If you still don’t see it after a few minutes, try checking your email application’s junk or spam folders and ensuring your inbox is not at its limit.
If you are using a business email address, note that your corporate domain could be delaying Air Canada emails. We recommend using a valid email address you can access at all times, such as a personal email instead of a business email.
Q. Why am I being frequently asked to enter a 2FA code when I log in to my Aeroplan account?
You’ll be asked to perform 2FA often if you tend to switch devices or browsers frequently, if you use private/incognito browsing modes, or if you’re logging in from a widely shared Wi-Fi/IP network. This is necessary to help us make sure your account is as secure as possible.
Q: How does 2FA change how I login to the Flight Pass portal?
Currently, Flight Pass owners must log in themselves in order to manage their Flight Pass Credits. However, if you wish to delegate someone to log in and manage your Flight Pass credits for you, you can easily assign a Flight Pass Administrator. Please note, the Administrator of the Flight Pass must have an active Aeroplan number. This person is not eligible to fly using the credits, but is authorized to book on your behalf.
Q: How do I assign a Flight Pass Administrator?
Log in to your Flight Pass Portal using your Aeroplan number and password.
From the login dashboard screen, select the Flight Pass for which you would like to assign an Administrator.
From the Flight Pass screen click the ‘Options’ tab.
From the ‘Options’ tab click ‘Add Flight Pass Administrator’
Enter the first name, last name, and Aeroplan number of the Administrator.
Once assigned, the Administrator can then log in and manage the Flight Pass, using their own Aeroplan number and password.
Repeat steps 1 through 6 for each Flight Pass that you would like to add an Administrator to.
Forgot Password and Profile Information
Forgot Password and Profile Information
Forgot Password and Profile Information
Q. What information is Air Canada storing in my profile?
Customers have the ability to save their travel preferences, credit cards, additional passengers details and travel documents to help streamline their online experience with Air Canada by auto-filling information from flight bookings to check-in. Passenger information is securely stored behind our new advanced login functionality and is additionally protected by 2FA.
Q: Can customer info be updated by a third party like Travel Agent?
Although Air Canada provides many self-serve options, any information on a customer’s account can only be updated by the owner of the account. Travel Agents can book and make changes to a flight for the customer; however, for privacy reasons, they cannot update a customer’s personal account information online nor by calling our contact centre.